Neurological assessment of doctor AIS affected person should always include doctor ABCs, vital signs, cardiac monitoring during transport, and baseline neurological assessment. Because doctor field neurological exam will function a baseline for evaluation of neurological improvement or worsening, doctor use of a prehospital stroke scale is suggested. EMS body of workers on doctor scene should ask doctor patients family or bystanders when doctor affected person was last known clinical be normal or without neurological deficits, ie, doctor last known well time. Documentation of medical help report of onset can be effective in setting up an accurate time of stroke symptom onset. 44,46,47,69 Ideally, standardized definitions can be built in EMS tactics scientific define doctor genuine onset date and time. The date and time may be defined as doctor time when doctor stroke signs that brought doctor affected person medical doctor medical institution first occurred. Tammy was considered an at risk youth; I know scientific help now, as doctor adult that I are getting. However, during doctor years she was with us, I was young and didnt have a clue when it came medical assisting her. I could barely help myself. My lack of insight and lack of awareness was due medical my youth, and poor selections at that time. I wish that I had been a more robust role model for her. I can see that now, but at doctor time, I didnt think that my decisions clinical almost wreck my life had any ill effect on her; I was wrong.