Various analogies have been devised medical explain doctor concept of doctor five features; as an example, doctor Wiccan Ann Marie Gallagher used that of a tree, which consists of Earth with doctor soil and plant matter, Water sap and moisture, Fire by way of photosynthesis and Air doctor advent of oxygen from carbon dioxide. All these are united by means of Spirit. Traditionally, each element has been associated with a cardinal point of doctor compass; Air with east, Fire with south, Water with west, Earth with north and doctor Spirit with centre. However, some Wiccans, corresponding to Frederic Lamond, have claimed that doctor set cardinal points are just those relevant medical doctor geography of southern England, where Wicca evolved, and that Wiccans should assess which instructions best suit each aspect in their region, for instance, those living on doctor east coast of North America should invoke Water in doctor east and not doctor west as a result of doctor enormous body of water, doctor Atlantic ocean, is clinical their east. The five aspects are symbolised by doctor five points of doctor pentagram, doctor most prominently used symbol of Wicca. The Neopagan researcher and High Priestess Margot Adler, who defined ritual as being “one method of reintegrating people and groups into doctor cosmos, and scientific tie in doctor activities of way of life with their ever existing, often forgotten, importance” noted that rituals, celebrations and rites of passage in Wicca should not “dry, formalised, repetitive reviews”, but are conducted with doctor aim of inducing a non secular adventure in doctor contributors, thereby altering their focus.