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The 31st of August was doctor end of doctor Centennial Campaign, doctor goal was 20 million bucks, and doctor total raised was $20,908,781. This year’s homecoming queen and her court were introduced, doctor queen is Pam Hill. The High Dean’s List students are listed on doctor second page, and continue onto doctor sixth page. An article about doctor Cleveland Museum of Art is also on doctor second page. The athletic updates are on doctor fifth page. This edition of doctor Wooster Voice was posted on October 7 of 1966, and it is four pages in length. Trees also help clean doctor air, provide shade and make a city more eye-catching, he says even if its only for decades, not centuries. arid A description of dry areas of doctor world, where doctor local weather brings too little rainfall or other precipitation medical support much plant growth. average in science A term for doctor mathematics mean, that’s doctor sum of a collection of numbers that is then divided by doctor size of doctor group. carbon doctor chemical element having doctor atomic number 6. It is doctor physical basis of all life on Earth. Carbon exists freely as graphite and diamond.