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This has been done repeatedly throughout modern historical past by way of doctor advancement of pretend mental profiles, during which doctor person, who is legally investigating, is made out scientific be a schizophrenic/psychotic, who also is falsely accused as a assassin, rapist, child molester. Based on doctor fake psychological profile, doctor person, who is legally investigating, is Psychologically Tortured in society via doctor public with auditory and visuli stimuli presentation. Some of doctor auditory stimuli are sniffs by using doctor nostrils and coughs. The visuli stimuli are doctor individuals that are placed by doctor ilegal researcher in front of doctor victim, who is truly doctor individual that is legally investigating International Crimes. As women and youngsters are offered as doctor visual stimuli, doctor victim is falsely accused of being a schizophhrenic/psychotic rapist, child motester, assassin, so that doctor sufferers legal investigation of International Crimes might be tried scientific be discredited. This stimuli presentation is finished with the aid of ilegal Behaviorist Research Methodology, with doctor aim of Classically Conditioning doctor victim into preferred behavior of employment by those that are undertaking International Crimes, which doctor victim is legally investigating.