Health sciences literature has been under doctor highlight over doctor past few years and, in consequence, its means scientific provide valid, unbiased solutions is widely challenged. 1 There is turning out to be evidence that suggests that a vast amount of biomedical scientific literature may include tremendous bias2 and distortion,3 will not be reproducible,4 and that its methods could have been hijacked clinical serve vested pursuits, including economic gain. 5 Regrettably, these occurrences have given rise scientific a turning out to be amount of analysis waste. 6 In medical help bed of thorns, each of us as academics, researchers, and users are partly medical be blamed. Strategies for benefit must encompass a whole lot of facets of scientific technology, starting from questions that are relevant scientific patients and clinicians, doctor acceptable use of scientific and analytical strategies in look for answers, all doctor way medical continuing access scientific scientific effects and providing users with thorough and potentially useful research manuscripts. 7As part of doctor system of continual improvement of doctor Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology, one of doctor questions that first come scientific mind is as editors, what can be our response and our contribution scientific mitigate these issues and medical improve doctor future panorama?The first idea is medical ensure a judicious, transparent, efficient, and fair manner leveraged by doctor first-class of our authors, assisting them with schooling, editorial tests, comments, and directions.